The instructions below are to be followed only if you are downloading this product separately and trying to integrate with a z/OS base that is different from the ADCD z/OS V2 R2 May 2016 Edition.
- Obtain DB2 11.1.0 by downloading:
The bin files are in gzip format for use under zPDT. The bin files will need to be renamed to b2dbb1.gz, b2dbb2.gz and b2dbar.gz. Install the b2db*.gz file by using the following commands under zPDT:
gunzip -c b2dbb1.gz > /userdir/b2dbb1.bin gunzip -c b2dbb2.gz > /userdir/b2dbb2.bin gunzip -c b2dbar.gz > /userdir/b2dbar.bin
- Add the volumes b2dbb1, b2dbb2 and b2dbar to the zPDT definition(devmap) and IPL your z/OS system. The b2dbar volume is for allocating the DB2 archive logs, and it is common for DB2 V10 and V11 as well.
- On volume b2dbb1 is a file DSNB10.INSTALL.JCL. Run the job WIMPCON to connect the DB2 V11 catalogs and job WDEFALIA to define the DB2 V11 aliases. This data set also has other members like ACS routines, logon proc, startup and shutdown script and proc, etc. that you may use to setup DB2 V11.
Follow the steps given below to setup SMS constructs required for
DB2 V11, using ISMF.
Step 1:
Enter m.2 - ISMF Primary Option Panel Enter 0.0 - User Mode Entry Enter 2 - Storage Administrator Mode F3 three times go to ISPF primary option panel (In order to set Storage Administrator Mode you must leave ISMF panel and then return)Step 2:
Enter m.2 - ISMF Primary Option Panel Select 4 - Data Class CDS Name... 'SYS1.SCDS' Data Class Name... DBBGDC Select 3 - Define Use all the defaults on Data Class Define Panel F3 to End and Save F3 to ISMF Primary Option PanelStep 3:
Select 5 - Storage Class CDS Name... 'SYS1.SCDS' Storage Class Name... * Select 1 - List Should see DBCLASSB F3 twice back to ISMF Primary Option PanelStep 4:
Select 6 - Storage Group CDS Name... 'SYS1.SCDS' Storage Group Name... * Select 1 - List Issue Line Operator command DELETE across the Storage Group HFSCLASS Enter '/' in Confirm Delete Request Panel F3 to SG Application Selection panel Storage Group Name... DBCLASSB Select 5 - Volume Enter the following volumes in prefix column and use option 2 for define B2DBB2 Use all default values on Volume Status Define Panel F3 to End and Save F3 twice to exit ISMFStep 5:
Enter m.2 - ISMF Primary Option Panel Enter 7 - ACS Application Enter 2 - Translate SCDS Name... 'SYS1.SCDS' ACS Source Data Set... 'SYS1.SMS.CNTL' ACS Source Member... DB2STORC Enter - Should get message 'Translation Successful' ACS Source Member... DB2STORG Enter - Should get message 'Translation Successful' F3 to previous panel Enter 3 - Validate Enter - Should get message 'Successful Validation' F3 thrice to ISMF Primary Option PanelStep 6:
Enter 8 - Control Data Set CDS Name... 'SYS1.SCDS' Enter 5 - Activate Enter '/' to Perform Activation Should get a message 'Activation Scheduled' Enter - Should get below message “IGD008I NEW CONFIGURATION ACTIVATED FROM SCDS SYS1.SCDS” F3 thrice to ISPF Primary Option Panel - Add the new DB2 catalogs to parmlib member COFVLF00