IBM Z® Program Development Tool for Independent Software Vendors (zPDT)

The zPDT emulates an IBM Z mainframe environment on x86 architecture, providing ISVs with a low-cost platform to develop and test their IBM Z applications.
zPDT can only be used for development and testing purposes; use of zPDT for production workloads is strictly prohibited by license agreements.

This offering is only available to qualifying Independent Software Vendors enrolled in the IBM Z and and IBM LinuxONE On-premises Development Program (ZOPD). Interested ISVs can learn more about the ZOPD Program and apply to join at IBM's OEM Information Technology Online (ITC) handles fulfillment of zPDT orders subject to approval from the ZOPD Program.

zPDT Technical Documentation

Application Developer Controlled Distribution (ADCD) Software Stacks for zPDT

Qualifying zPDT developers are eligible to receive the Application Developer Controlled Distribution (ADCD) software stack, which provides z/OS and associated middleware products formatted for use with zPDT, as well as a separate download for z/VM. The ADCD software stack is refreshed twice per year, typically coinciding with the release of new z/OS versions. The z/VM downloads are updated periodically as needed to apply maintenance or new z/VM product releases.

Information about the current ADCD release levels, including download access for subscribed ISVs can be found at the links below:

z/OS® ADCD z/OS 3.1 December 2024 z/VM® z/VM 7.3 Download January 2024 Edition

Note: The z/VSE ADCD offering has been withdrawn from marketing effective 09/05/2022, and service has been discontinued as of 09/30/2023.

There are no license fees for software included in the ADCD software stacks, but an annual subscription fee of US $900 per zPDT serial number applies in addition to the zPDT license fee payable to ITC. This fee includes access to both z/OS and z/VM distributions. All ADCD software is provided via download; DVDs are not available.

The software products and other content provided in ADCD downloads are owned by IBM or an IBM supplier and are copyrighted and licensed, not sold. Use is subject to the terms and conditions of the ZOPD Program as outlined in the Independent Software Vendor Relationship Agreement and the ZOPD Transaction Document, the Application Developers Controlled Distribution (ADCD) License Agreements, and the individual product licenses for the bundled Products. Software and content are licensed to the specific zPDT system by machine type/model and serial number and cannot be transferred to any other machine. Use of the ADCD software on any other system or software emulator is strictly prohibited and in violation of the terms and conditions of the aforementioned agreements.

Announcements, Changes and Updates for zPDT Systems

Version 1 Release 12, known as GA12, is the current release level for the zPDT emulation software.

Release 11 or later is required to install the latest ADCD downloads.

Current zPDT users with an active ZOPD Program contract can register for access to zPDT software updates and shop for downloads on ITC's website using their ITC-provided credentials. Please contact for any questions about the order process.

Characteristic Version 1 Release 12 Date Released September 2024 Initial zPDT driver level z1090-1-12.59.14.x86_64 IBM zSystems architecture level z16 Linux levels that were used to build and test the zPDT release.
(The official levels)
RHEL 8.6, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3, and Ubuntu 20.04
Informally tested Linux levels
(Earlier levels are not recommended)
CentOS Stream 8.6 and 9.0, Fedora 35 and 36, and Open SUSE 15.3
Tested z/OS levels 2.5 and 3.1 z/VM that were used during development 7.3 (not all functions) Tested Linux for IBM zSystems level RHEL 8, with other testing in progress Machines that were used for testing A wide range of servers and laptops Virtual environments that were used during testing KVM

Contact Us

For technical questions about zPDT and ADCD, please contact

For questions about ZOPD Program requirements and the zPDT licensing process, please contact