Welcome to the authentication page that will take you to the secure download site for various ADCD systems, subsystems and middleware.

Starting May 31, 2024 , our IBM Team is pleased to provide the z/OS 3.1 May 2024 Edition via electronic download. Approved z/OS ADCD users can get the different middleware products that are available for the download version in addition to the main base system with ease.

If you do not have the credentials,(userid/password), to login to the Secure ADCD Downloads page, please reference the ADCD z/OS 3.1 May 2024 Edition Information page for information on what is needed to order ADCD downloads after which, upon approval, you will receive access credentials. You will also find a detailed list of major component middleware products available for ADCD z/OS 3.1 May 2024 Edition download.

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