Automatic Password Reset
The IBM Z Dallas ISV Center has enabled an automated password reset service machine that will allow authorized users to reset or resume an ETPxxxx personal userid.
Important Notes
- The ETPxxxx personal userid must be associated with your correct company email address.
- Email addresses from public services (such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol, etc) will not be accepted.
- You may request email assignment by sending email to including the ETPxxxx personal userid and your valid company email address.
The Automatic Password Reset Process
Once a valid company email address has been assigned to the ETPxxxx
personal userid, a password can be RESET or RESUMEd by sending
an email from the associated email address to the service machine
listed below, with the appropriate subject line.
- Email service machine:
- The subject line should include either: RESET ETPxxxx or RESUME ETPxxxx
- No other text is required in the email
For each request we will:
- Verify the requesting email address is associated with the userid in the request.
- Confirm that the userid is in a current program.
If the results of the verification and confirmation are true,
one of the following actions will occur:
A RESET request will RESUME userid ETPxxxx *AND* assign a
temporary randomly generated password.
- You will receive a return email including the temporary randomly generated password.
- The userid will not be included in the return email.
- Once you receive the password, you will be able to logon to the secure website.
- You will be prompted to change your password to a new one of your choosing.
A RESUME request will RESUME userid ETPxxxx.
- The password will not be changed.
- When this action is completed, you will receive a return email confirming the userid is ready for logon.
- A new password will not be assigned to the userid.
A RESET request will RESUME userid ETPxxxx *AND* assign a
temporary randomly generated password.
If you have any questions, send us an email to