The Dallas WebSphere environment supplied is Network Deployment. As a result, this documentation will change the Host Name for a WebSphere Network Deployment environment in Dallas.

If used at your site the cell name , dmgr node and server node names will be different and this information and examples is provided ASIS with no support.

More information can be found by accessing: Changing the node host names

  1. There are two ways to use these examples. Use the JCL and Jython examples to run in batch or use only the Jython examples only to run using command line.
    1. Command line execution: requires the jython files only: , and

      These examples uses them in /u/ibmuser/jython/ and you will need to use your jython directory. These files are sent via FTP to the z/OS system directory in binary mode.

      They can also be tagged for editing with zOS Unix System Services (USS) OEDIT command as follows:

      chtag -t -c ISO8859-1
      chtag -t -c ISO8859-1
      chtag -t -c ISO8859-1

      You must have the environment variable _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON set to use OEDIT
    2. Using zOS Batch JCL: requires both the JCL and jython files, the JCL files are: WASHOST0 , WASHOST1 and WASHOST2.

      These examples use them in /u/ibmuser/jcl/ and you will need to use your jython directory or locate them in a zOS dataset of your choice. These files are sent via FTP to the z/OS system directory in ASCII mode.

  2. Can be run with your WebSphere servers up or down. If your server is DOWN then you MUST ADD "-conntype none +" AFTER " +".
    1. Example when servers are UP: -lang jython -f /u/ibmuser/jython/
    2. Example when servers are DOWN: -conntype none -lang jython -f /u/ibmuser/jython/
  3. Make sure to set the directory to the Deployment Manager /profiles/default/ configurations directory. You may need to modify for your environment, but it must be the directory where you configured the Deployment Manager WebSphere configuration.

    Here in Dallas, our WebSphere configuration is placed in /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/ and when the deployment manager is configured the initial configuration is located in wascfg/V8R5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/ which also contains a bin directory. Do not confuse this directory /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/ as the directory to use to change the host name. THIS IS NOT THE DIRECTORY TO USE.

    The directory to use to change the host name will be in the profiles directory. It is: /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin/ because it also holds the configuration information of the agent and server. This happened when federation occured.

WebSphere Deployment Manager Change Host Process
Step JCL/

WASHOST0 will list the variables which will need to be used to make the changes for the Host Name. It is optional and will help you determine what your system looks like. It is included for reference. Here in Dallas we know what our configuration looks like so you probably will not need to run it unless you want to see how it works. The command used is AdminConfig.list. The output should look something like the output below. In this example, take notice of xfcell xfdmnode xfnode1 They will be used later in STEP 1 and some in Step 2. The "\n" is a new line and should not be used.

(cells/xfcell/nodes/ xfdmnode|serverindex.xml#ServerIndex_1)\n (cells/xfcell/nodes/ xfnode1|serverindex.xml#ServerIndex_1)

To run in command line:
cd /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin/ -lang jython -f /u/ibmuser/jython/

To run in zOS batch:
Modify the jcl directory to: cd /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin/
Submit the jcl.


WASHOST1 will display the setting using the information from WASHOST0 (Step.0 above). The command used is

NOTE: Make sure the WebSphere Configuration directory is set to the correct directory.

  1. Modify the command as follows: -f /u/ibmuser/jython/ xfcell xfdmnode xfnode1
    The information from Step.0 is used as variable input in this job.
  2. Submit the job.
  3. The output will look something like: '[hostName]'
  4. Information about the DAEMON is also included in the output to see the current definitions for the DAEMON.
    The following is part of the output which needs to be changed for the DAEMON.

    was.WAS_DAEMON_protocol_iiop_daemon_listenIPAddress= S0W1.DAL-EBIS.IHOST.COM

  5. The same job can be used AFTER the changes are made to verify your changes are what you want.

To run in command line:
cd /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin/ -lang jython -f /u/ibmuser/jython/ xfcell xfdmnode xfnode1

To run in zOS batch:
Modify the jcl directory to: cd /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin/
Modify the jcl wsadmin to: -f /u/ibmuser/jython/ xfcell xfdmnode xfnode1
Submit the jcl.


WASHOST2 will make the changes to all of the appropriate parameters in your configuration.

NOTE: Make sure the WebSphere Configuration directory is set to the correct directory.

  1. Modify the command as follows: -f /u/ibmuser/jython/ xfdmnode xfnode1 + TheNewHostName
  2. Submit the job.
  3. You should receive a return code of 0.
  4. STOP the COMPLETE Deployment Manager Environment. ALL of the servers. Note: The new host name must be configured in your TCPIP environment BEFORE you re start your Deployment Manager environment or they will fail to start.
  5. START the Deployment Manager Environment.
  6. Run WASHOST1 in Step.1 above to verify your changes.

To run in command line:
cd /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin/ -lang jython -f /u/ibmuser/jython/ xfdmnode xfnode1 TheNewHostName

To run in zOS batch:
Modify the jcl directory to: cd /wascfg/v8r5/xfcell/xfdmnode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin/
Modify the jcl wsadmin to: -f /u/ibmuser/jython/ xfdmnode xfnode1 TheNewHostName
Submit the jcl.